Monday, March 7, 2016

Tom Clancy’s The Division review

Ubisoft’s answer to Destiny is out today, but what are the initial impressions from the first 12 hours with the game?

The first time we saw The Division was in June 2013. At the time it was unclear exactly what kind of game it really was, with all the initial emphasis being on the graphics rather than the vaguely described online play. As such, it’s only in the last few months that the obvious point of comparison has become Destiny. How much of that is a result of Ubisoft altering the design to mimic Activision’s smash hit we’re not sure, but it means it’s going to be equally hard to make a final judgement about the game until well after launch.

By the time you read this The Division will be on sale, and the only head start we’ve had - apart from various previews and betas - is that the servers turned on at 2pm yesterday. Even if we could’ve played it before that there would’ve been no real point as, just like Destiny, this is a game all about interacting with other players in the same online world.

We shouldn’t give the impression that The Division is a clone of any kind though, as there are many important differences between the two games. But if you want to understand the game’s approach to single-player, co-op, and competitive gameplay then Bungie’s game is the obvious frame of reference.

The Division though is eager to portray itself as an action role-player, even though its third person, cover-based shooting works similarly to many other action titles. Starting the game for the first time it comes across very much like a less over-the-top version of Gears Of War, as you’re taught how to aim, fire, roll, and clamber over a training area in New York City’s Brooklyn.

This all works fine but the problem The Division has is that, unlike Destiny, the gunplay isn’t quite as effortlessly perfect. It’s fine, but while Bungie can fudge the reasons why shooting a space alien in the face doesn’t kill them immediately it’s a little harder in The Division. Headshots are acknowledged but the damage you do is dictated by your equipment and stats just as much by your actual aim, and as a result some enemies do come across like bullet sponges.

The rest of the game, or at least the bits we’ve played so far, take part in Manhattan, after a terrorist virus attack has turned the island into an almost post-apocalyptic wasteland. The rather implausible backstory involves you being part of a government sleeper cell who are ready to be activated (by glowing, sci-fi style watches) at a moment’s notice and take control.

As we noted in the beta the backstory is both a little silly and a little dull all at the same time, and seems something of a waste given the quality of the graphics. Inevitably they don’t look as good as when the game was first unveiled, but the open world recreation of Manhattan in the snowy mid-winter is excellent. The world is huge too, filled with side quests and points of interests, but, because of the plot, only fairly ordinary human opponents. And that’s despite the fact that a lot of the visual cues for the game have clearly been taken from more fantastical sources, such as the movie Cloverfield.

It’s perfectly possible to have a role-playing game in a quasi-realistic setting, but it does make it a lot more difficult to create sufficiently interesting loot and upgrades to make the whole business of levelling up seem worthwhile. And yet so far at least The Division seems to be doing well. Within an hour or so we’d picked up a shotgun and an assault rifle, and added our first mod – an extra handle that improved our aiming by 2 per cent.

These are the sort of tiny advantages The Division’s loot offers in the earlier hours, as it’s made clear that you’re not working your way towards unlocking a super laser or a nuclear strike but instead more down-to-earth, incremental improvements to your abilities. A new slot to hold two primary weapons is a big moment, as is starting to unlock more than just your first special ability (from a choice of three: radar ping, sticky bomb, and ballistic shield).

Before leaving Brooklyn you get the chance to try out a co-op mission with three other players, and even when the game was running only on journos and those that had picked up a copy early we managed to get a game quickly and without any sign of launch day problems. It’s a fairly straightforward hostage rescue though, with a generous amount of time given to resurrect a colleague if they go down.

Again, the realistic setting means the level designers will have to work within a fairly narrow range, and although there’s already been questions asked about exactly how many story missions there’ll be we’re more worried about how distinctive they’ll all seem.

The other part of the equation is the Dark Zone, the one area of the game where you can be attacked and killed by other players. Obviously this is not somewhere you want to be hanging out when you’ve only just started, as veteran players start to use it as a hunting ground for experience points and player loot.

Going in on your own is a virtual death wish, because although the loot is generally more useful it’s also more infected and so has to be airlifted out via an extraction chopper. Everyone else in the zone knows when this is happening, and camping out waiting to steal other people’s (probably already stolen) stuff is clearly going to be common practice.

Attacking another player does get you marked on the map as a rogue though, with rewards for hunting down rogues being the other main draw for entering the area. With all these elements combined the Dark Zone is the most interestingly unique set-up in the game, but who knows what it’ll end up like once the general public descend upon it.

We enjoyed our first few hours with The Division, just as we did with the beta. But nothing so far has given us the opportunity to answer the fundamental questions about the game’s longevity and variety. We’ll try and get a review together late this week or early next, but as with Destiny it may be much longer than that before the game’s true nature is revealed.


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